Media Outlet/Journalist, Playlist-Kurator, Radiosender·Kanada
Jacqueline Jax is a radio host working for AVA Live Radio and music curator. Her JAX DAILY Music newsletter was named Medium's Top Music Writer for 2022-2023. Subscribe here
A daily snap shot of what’s happening in music today from important news updates like the new addition of short form video on spotify to who’s releasing the best new tracks in indie music of all genres..
Jacqueline Covers music trends and music news featuring new indie music releases that demonstrate exceptional skills and groundbreaking elements that blur the lines between genres.
Jacqueline Jax has an active readership in rock, hip hop, songwriting and pop. When she features an artist in her newsletter, they are presented to a fresh audience of music fans and music curators who enjoy her curated picks. Google search results are excellent on this blog further attracting new fans based on genre.. She gets around 145 applications daily on the website for consideration in her New Release and Top Music Trends Lists.
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