Geza X Records

Label · Vereinigte Staaten


We are a boutique label that specializes in well-produced music you won’t find anywhere else. All the acts are curated by Geza X personally. We defy trends. We hate genres. We are against racism, sexism, genderism, and ageism. If it sounds great and bends the envelope in some way we release it. You will find many unique musical styles and some wicked new surprises. We love music for its own sake and don’t give a rat’s ass about the money. Support Geza X Records and you are giving real artists the exposure they deserve. The reason Geza X has done all this forever is because he‘s batshit crazy and just can’t help it. It’s the music. It’s always been the music. Long live the music. That’s literally why he is a legend.
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Du willst erhalten...
  • Genres
    Afrikanische Musik
    Alternativer Rock
    Kommerziell / Mainstream
    Dancehall / Reggaeton
    Experimenteller Jazz
    Trip Hop
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  • Attribut
    Professionelle Produktion
Du bist dir nicht sicher, welche Musikrichtung(en) zu deinem Musikstil passen? Schau dir unser Cheatsheet für Genres an!


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