Free Indie Culture

Media Outlet/Journalist · Italien


🇮🇹 Free Indie Culture è il blog di Leslie F., una persona appassionata. Appassionata, in maniera a tratti struggente, alla musica, all'arte, alla letteratura, alla natura. In pratica a tutto ciò che può esprimere meglio il concetto di bellezza. Adora postare le sue foto amatoriali scattate ai concerti sui propri Social e sulle pagine che gestisce, come Afterhours Lovers, attiva dal 2011. Adora le presentazioni di libri e dischi e le visite nei musei. Scrive dei sentimenti suscitati in lei dalla musica sul proprio blog, Free Indie Culture, dal 2012. Ha scritto per e scrive per Oca nera rock e Inside Music. Parla con musicisti e professionisti del settore in un programma che conduce assieme a Luca Rossi, Bootleg, su Radio Cusano Campus. 🇬🇧 Free Indie Culture is the blog of Leslie F., a passionate person. Passionate, at times poignant, for music, art, literature, nature. Basically everything that can best express the concept of beauty. He loves posting his amateur photos taken at concerts on his social networks and on the pages he manages, such as Afterhours Lovers, active since 2011. He loves book and record presentations and visits to museums. She has been writing about the feelings aroused in her by music on her blog, Free Indie Culture, since 2012. She has written for and writes for Oca nera rock and Inside Music. Talk to musicians and industry professionals in a program he leads with Luca Rossi, Bootleg, on Radio Cusano Campus.
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Alternativer Rock
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    Alternativer Rock
    Experimentelle Elektronik
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🇮🇹 Realizzando articoli, interviste, recensioni e postando news sui social. 🇬🇧 Creating articles, interviews, reviews and posting news on social networks.
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Überprüft von Groover

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Aktivität auf Groover
3737 gegebene Antworten Seit der Anmeldung
100% Antwortquote Letzten 30 Tage
100% Opportunitätsrate Letzten 12 Monate
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