Label, Media Outlet/Journalist, Sound Experte·Italien
Indie label with an active fan-base and a growing network of playlists and webzines partners. We produce all the music we publish, so you can expect a professional review of the song, if you need it. We answer and share music every week
- we offer super-honest feedback
- we can add your single to our playlist or to a playlist of our network
- we can make a video-teaser of the single and share it as a IG post
- we can share your song as a IG story
- we can make an interview for webzines we collaborate with
- we can add your video to our YT channel
Zu einer Playlist hinzufügen
In sozialen Netzwerken teilen
Detaillierte Beratung / Feedback geben
Diesen Künstlern hast du kürzlich eine Gelegenheit gegeben