Monie Forrs

Playlist-Kurator · Tschechische Republik


I'm a Happiness Coach and Writer and I believe seasonal living is one of the key ingredients to a happy life. With music being such a powerful mood-shifter, I set out to create seasonal playlists to help people better connect with the seasons. I share these playlists with my community and students of over 4k, as well as creatives of all kinds, but especially writers, in hope to help them feel inspired, ignite their creativity and help them live in the moment. I'm currently looking for peaceful and calm music for my Autumn playlists. Classic Jazz tracks as well as violin are hugely encouraged for submissions as there's not enough of these in my playlist! Please listen to my playlist to get the taste of the mood and styles I'm looking for. I'm also looking for any orchestral or epic peaces with a hint of mystery and magic, or minimal piano, for my new Winter Evenings Magic Playlist. Generally, I'm interested in instrumental music that's peaceful as well as uplifting and empowering, with strong focus on its underlying storytelling abilities. My mission is to spread happiness in this world, so let's do this together - together with your music!
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Am häufigsten akzeptierte Genres

Neo / Modern Klassisch
Klassische Musik
Du willst erhalten...
  • Genres
    Klassische Musik
    Moderner Jazz
    Neo / Modern Klassisch
  • Stimmungen
    Gute Vibes
  • Attribute
    Akustische Gitarre
    Professionelle Produktion
    Verfügbar auf Spotify
    Starke Präsenz in den sozialen Medien
    Junge Talente
Du bist auch offen für...
  • Genres
    Chill out
  • Stimmung
Du bist dir nicht sicher, welche Musikrichtung(en) zu deinem Musikstil passen? Schau dir unser Cheatsheet für Genres an!


By placements in my growing playlists intended not only for my growing coaching & student community, but anyone looking for peaceful or uplifting music!
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Du suchst nach...

  • Nur Instrumentalstücke
  • Künstler aus allen Ländern/Regionen
  • Nur freigegebene Tracks

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19% Opportunitätsrate Letzten 12 Monate
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