Acesso Cultural

Journalist · Brasilien


On the air since 2012, Access Cultural is among the largest online vehicles for entertainment and culture in the country. With thousands of page views per month, our motto is to inform all audiences, especially young people, about events in the cultural world. Created by journalist Jaqueline Gomes and photographer Rodrigo Bueno, Access Cultural has become a must-read for anyone who wants to stay informed about news from the cultural milieu of Brazil and the world of entertainment. We have several nationally renowned partners such as Theatro Net São Paulo, Theatro Net Rio, Theatro Via Sul, Sony Music, PlayArte, Imagem Filmes, Vitrine Filmes, Brain +, ClapMe, Latin America Memorial, Universal Music, Casa Natura Musical, Agência Noá, among others.
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  • Genres
    Brasilianische Musik
    Canzone Italiana
    Dance pop
    Dream Pop
    Internationaler Pop
    Moderner Jazz
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  • Attribut
    Alle Stützen
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  • Genres
    Klassische Musik
    Experimentelle Elektronik
    Französischer Rap
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Divulgação através de releases em nosso site (matéria) ou conteúdos nas redes sociais: Facebook, Instagram e Twitter. Disclosure through releases on our website (matter) or content on social networks: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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  • Songtext in Englisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch und Spanisch
  • aus Argentinien, Australien, Brasilien, Mexiko, Portugal, Spanien und Venezuela
  • Unveröffentlichte Tracks und veröffentlichte Tracks

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67% Opportunitätsrate Letzten 12 Monate
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