Aaron Ewing

Mentorin · Kanada


Playlist Submission - "Plus+" - hip hop, alternative, rock, indie music https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2DSbAauKd7q8ddOD4fLR5V?si=93b0ae13a9ce4aeb With over 7 years of experience in the music industry, I’ve had the privilege of working at two of the leading companies in the field: Warner Music Canada and Believe Distribution Canada. My background is rooted in A&R, where I’ve scouted and developed emerging talent, helping them grow into successful artists under major and indie labels alike. During my time in the industry, I’ve developed a deep understanding of artist development, market trends, and strategic growth within the music business. Whether it’s discovering new talent, building artist branding, or creating tailored marketing strategies, my goal is to help artists reach their full potential and connect with their audience.
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  • Genres
    Kommerziell / Mainstream
    Internationaler Rap
    Rap auf Englisch
    Urban Pop
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  • Attribut
    Akustische Gitarre
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    Death / Thrash
    Elektro-Jazz / Nu Jazz
    Experimenteller Jazz
    Melodischer Metall
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Moderner Jazz
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I take a hands-on approach when working with artists, starting by thoroughly listening to and reviewing their music to understand their unique sound and artistic vision. I offer constructive feedback to help refine their work, ensuring they’re positioned for success in the ever-changing music landscape. Additionally, as part of my role with Abstract Music, an independent label, I have the opportunity to share promising tracks directly with our team, opening up the potential for the artist to be considered for a signing.
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