Big Fam Records

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We are a structure that aims to bring out new talents by offering an exhibition but also a professional accompaniment. Formally established in 2018 (active since 2014), the label has specialized in the development of young talents from different musical worlds over the long term. We have all the other social networks to promote and promote the exhibition. The best thing about Big Fam Records is his open-mindedness, through the production of various musical styles such as current music (house, future bass, Trap, ...) as well as acoustic music (Rock , Folk, Metal, ...) in Switzerland and abroad. We have several production partners and have a professional recording studio to carry out quality projects. We place a lot of importance on the artist's universe and help him to make a professional show. Most of the time, we work with artists, musicians who are passionate about their art and who wish to develop a long-term musical career. Our experience and our skills in the field allow us today to create promising projects and to intervene throughout the artistic process. Active in the following areas: France, England, South Africa, Argentina
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Quer receber...
  • Gêneros
    Chill out
    Dance music
    Indie pop
    Pop rock
  • Estados de espírito
  • Atributos
    Jovens talentos
Estão também abertos a receber...
  • Gêneros
    Dance pop
    Deep house
    House music
    Rap francês
Não quer receber...
  • Gêneros
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Rap em inglês
Não sabe que género(s) se adequa(m) ao seu estilo musical? Consulte a nossa ficha de informação sobre os gêneros!


Licensing Promotion (Media, Radios, TV) Management Booking Publishing
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  • Letras de música em qualquer língua
  • Artistas de qualquer país/região
  • Faixas não lançadas e faixas já lançadas

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