vivamusic Global

Mídia · Alemanha


VivaMusic publishes the works of independent artists and bands from around the world making a network that goes back 14 years. We publish 2 charts every week since 2009, the #VivaMusic100 and the #VivaMusic20 with hundreds of musical proposals from all over the world trying to reach the top. We are a platform with hundreds of bands and soloists. A place with artists, groups of all genres, followers, promoters, managers, other platforms, the media and public opinion discover new musical works every week. Prepared to receive music from anywhere on the planet so that they can compete and be known to our audience with more than 32,000 followers on Facebook, more than 30,000 on Twitter, more than 6,000 on Instagram and close to 1,000 subscribers on YouTube. We are ready to receive and publish your music.
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  • Estados de espírito
    Gruda na cabeça
    Good vibes
Estão também abertos a receber...
  • Gêneros
    Comercial / Mainstream
    Hard rock
    Música latina
    Jazz moderno
    Pop rock
    Música tradicional
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VivaMusic publishes the works of independent artists and bands from around the world making a network that goes back 14 years. We publish 2 charts every week since 2009, the #VivaMusic100 and the #VivaMusic20 with hundreds of musical proposals from all over the world trying to reach the top. We are a platform with hundreds of bands and soloists. A place with artists, groups of all genres, followers, promoters, managers, other platforms, the media and public opinion discover new musical works every week. Prepared to receive music from anywhere on the planet so that they can compete and be known to our audience with more than 32,000 followers on Facebook, more than 30,000 on Twitter, more than 6,000 on Instagram and close to 1,000 subscribers on YouTube. We are ready to receive and publish your music.
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  • Letras de música em qualquer língua
  • Artistas de qualquer país/região
  • Apenas faixas já lançadas

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