Up On Mars

Selo · Reino Unido


Up On Mars is an Artist Management and Record Label based in the UK. We work with songwriters, producers and performing artists. We work with a selected number of artists under our management roster. Our label offers distribution, catalogue management & sync as well as single and album deals in exchange for an advance. All our deals are artist focused and can only work with creators who we believe are at the stage of providing an ROI.
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Quer receber...
  • Gêneros
    Deep house
    House music
    Indie pop
    Pop soul
  • Estados de espírito
  • Atributos
    Faixa finalizada
    Potencial internacional
    Próximo projeto
    Jovens talentos
Estão também abertos a receber...
  • Gêneros
    French house
    Future house
Não quer receber...
  • Gênero
    Death / Thrash
  • Atributos
    Baixa fidelidade
Não sabe que género(s) se adequa(m) ao seu estilo musical? Consulte a nossa ficha de informação sobre os gêneros!


Up On Mars can offer management deals for artists in development stages as well as label deals. Don't offer false promises but a strong and dedicated team that will support your career and ensure you have a sustainable business in music. If you are at a stage where the amount of work, collaborations and your schedule is so complicated to manage that you need support, we can help amplify that. If you have no work whatsoever and are at a stage where you are starting out, do get started on your own and reach out later on. Our label is set up to support the artists in our roster and have opened the submission for new music since the pandemic. We can support the exploitation of your records both with promotion and sync placements.
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Está à procura de...

  • Letras de música em qualquer língua
  • Artistas de qualquer país/região
  • Faixas não lançadas e faixas já lançadas

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74 feedbacks realizados Desde que se inscreveu
33% taxa de resposta Últimos 30 dias
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