Fabiane Pereira

Jornalista · Brasil


Fabiane Pereira is a journalist, presenter, curator, screenwriter and music researcher. Presents the radio show FARO for nine years in Rio de Janeiro dial, which has the premise of democratizing the radio space by introducing listeners to the new contemporary Brazilian musical production. In addition to FARO, Fabiane is a presenter and creator of PAPO DE MÚSICA, one of the rare interview channels on YouTube with MUSIC as the protagonist. On Youtube, Fabi weekly interviews artists from the most varied musical genres in a tone so intimate that artists open up in a rare way. Fabiane also presents the only radio program in Portugal aimed at promoting Brazilian music in the country called STAGE BRAZIL that goes on air every week on the radio MARGINAL FM where she interviews names of Brazilian music who are passing through the European country. She is also a writer for the magazine Veja Rio. Fabiane also acts as a curator for awards and selections of the best musicians of the year in various projects that focus on art and participates in some commissions of specialists in public notices, festivals and events related to culture. She has a postgraduate degree in "Cultural Journalism" from ESPM; in "Writer Training" by PUC-Rio; in "Contemporary Journalism" by the University Institute of Lisbon and master in "Communication, Culture and Information Technology" also by the University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal. Fabiane Pereira was the Award Winner for best Musical Journalist at WME 2019.
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Quer receber...
  • Gêneros
    Rock experimental
    Folk indie
    Indie pop
    Indie rock
    Pop rock
    Pop soul
    Rap em inglês
    Rap francês
    Surf rock
  • Estados de espírito
  • Atributos
    Guitarra acústica
    Guitarra eléctrica
    Disponível no Spotify
    Projeto inicial
    Experiência em palco
    Artista não assinado
Estão também abertos a receber...
  • Gêneros
    Eletrônica experimental
    Música latina
    Lofi bedroom
    Jazz moderno
  • Atributos
    Potencial internacional
    Próximo projeto
    Jovens talentos
Não quer receber...
  • Humor
Não sabe que género(s) se adequa(m) ao seu estilo musical? Consulte a nossa ficha de informação sobre os gêneros!


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