Justin Newsome (A&R, Casting, and Music Business Consulting)

Booker, Selo, Manager, Mentor · Estados Unidos


Justin Newsome, a resident of Los Angeles, brings over 15 years of entertainment and music industry experience. His work includes—but is not limited to—production and artist casting for major music television competition shows such as America’s Got Talent, Boyband, Who Will Rock You, and American Idol, where Justin was the first individual to ever scout and produce an American Idol winner. His continued success in the music industry, and ability to recognize artists’ talents have led people to say that he has one of the best ears for musical talent in the business. Justin has further applied his knowledge by being a part of selection panels for music competitions in the Los Angeles area. Moreover, Justin was also Managing Editor for Uniquabiliy, where he worked with internationally known artists in their efforts of youth advocacy and empowerment. Justin has worked with top industry record labels such as Hollywood, Interscope, Island Records, Sony Music, Syco, and Universal Records, as well as other noted companies such as ABC, MTV, and the Walt Disney Corporation. In 2022, Justin has expanded his clientele and has worked for new clients such as HYBE/Geffen, YouTube and Audible putting together various music groups and consulting on artist development.
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Quer receber...
  • Gêneros
    Rock alternativo
    Comercial / Mainstream
    Música para filmes
    K-pop / J-pop
    Música latina
    Pop Punk
    Pop rock
Estão também abertos a receber...
  • Gêneros
    Beats / Lo-fi
    Música clássica
    Folk indie
    Indie pop
    Punk Rock
    Rap em inglês
Não quer receber...
  • Gêneros
    Jazz experimental
    Jazz fusion
    Jazz moderno
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-Give them the opportunity to be considered or audition for the major label projects I work on. I work with most major labels (as well as some Indies.). I help them put together groups, find new solo artists to launch, songwriters for publishing deals, opportunities for producers. And much more. Additionally, I have worked on and continue to work on major music television shows such as American Idol and America's Got talent as a scout. For shows I work on I can can set up - private auditions directly in front of Executive Producers if I think they make sense for the show. No line waiting. Or multiple auditions etc. Provide networking opportunities to other artists, managers, and industry professionals whom I think the artist might be a fit for.
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