Major Label Steve

Mentor · República Checa


I work for a major label. I deal with A-list acts on daily basis and go through tens of tracks every week. Before that I was in charge of all day-to-day activities at a festival for over 35.000 people and was directly in charge of over 50 people. I also worked as a booking agent and booked nationwide tours for various rock bands. I managed artists and was able to get them at the biggest festivals in the country (e.g. Prazsky Majales) PLEASE ALWAYS TRY TO WRITE WHAT TOPIC ARE YOU SEEKING FEEDBACK ON (e.g. marketing, sound, etc.)
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Quer receber...
  • Gêneros
    Rock alternativo
    Comercial / Mainstream
    Indie pop
    Indie rock
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Pop Punk
    Pop rock
    Pop urbano
  • Atributo
    Todos os suportes
Estão também abertos a receber...
  • Gêneros
    House music
    Pop internacional
    Rap internacional
    Pop latino
    Punk Rock
Não quer receber...
  • Gêneros
    Música italiana
    Música para crianças
    Drum and Bass
    Electro Jazz / Nu Jazz
    Eletrônica experimental
    Jazz experimental
    Jazz fusion
    Música alemã
    Hard Techno
    Música natalina
    Jazz moderno
    Nouvelle scene
    Chanson Française/Variété
Não sabe que género(s) se adequa(m) ao seu estilo musical? Consulte a nossa ficha de informação sobre os gêneros!


I can provide feedback on how likely the track will be picked up by a label or placed in an editorial playlist. I deal with DSPs 24/7 and can provide insight on how they operate and what they're looking for in an artist or a song. Thus helping you, create better and more succesful songs! I can also consult on all aspects related to live (tours, festivals, etc.) and artist management (marketing, contracts, etc.)
Dar feedbacks/conselhos detalhados

Está à procura de...

  • Letras de música em qualquer língua
  • Artistas de qualquer país/região
  • Faixas não lançadas e faixas já lançadas

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