Manager · França


Created by Nicole Schluss, Derrière Les Planches (DLP) is an "Artists' House" which puts its know-how and experience at the service of artists from various backgrounds. A real agency specializing in entertainment, its mission is to support artists in their projects, manage their careers, their image and protect their interests. Derrière Les Planches guides its artists to develop the different facets of their talent and thus open the field of their creation to other fields (cinema, television, literature, fashion, etc.). Drawing on its expertise, Derrière Les Planches expands its activities and also joins forces with private partners in order to provide them with strategic and artistic solutions in the organization of events and/or campaigns.
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Quer receber...
  • Gêneros
    Música para filmes
    Neo / Clássico moderno
    Nouvelle scene
    Rap francês
    Chanson Française/Variété
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Grande impacto São conhecidos por terem um forte impacto na visibilidade dos artistas que compartilham ou conhecem

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47 feedbacks realizados Desde que se inscreveu
22% taxa de resposta Últimos 30 dias
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