African Deep House, Vocals

Curatore di Playlist · Paesi Bassi


Hi, My name is Ole from the Netherlands. Welcome to my playlist: African Deep House, Vocals. I love deep house music with that special African beat and great singing. If you make music that gets people moving and feeling something deep inside, I want to hear from you. My playlist is all about connecting people with the cool sounds of African deep house. I'm looking for songs from any artist who can match our vibe. If your music has awesome beats and strong vocals, you could be just what my listeners love. Share your tracks with Me and join the musical journey. Let's bring the best of African deep house to everyone.
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  • Generi
    Musica africana
    Afro House / Amapiano
    Deep house
    House music
    Organic House / Downtempo
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    Future house
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