Mainstream radio seems to bombard you with the same negative and downright rude music they seem to think the world wants to listen to! This is usually interrupted, to bring the latest death and disaster stories, happening around the world!
The big boys are fighting over the big outlets, while the masses wait and see who will control the industry next and what will be pumped into our ears to satisfy their greedy lifestyles and other people’s egos! No wonder so many people are depressed and lost. They have lost touch with good music and what it can do for the soul!
There is a wealth of new music out there waiting to be heard, not just by the mainstream but by you!...
Discovery is listening when you tune into ;) x
The reason we were so keen to get back involved with U & I Radio is the strong emphasis on supporting Emerging & original music and the totally un-exploitative nature of the setup. Bands are well looked after, and great emerging artist music is played over the PA whenever other artists aren’t on stage and during intervals.
The events are recorded and broadcast which gives bands like ourselves invaluable video content to share and showcase, and Scott himself has a very kind, gentle presence who encourages and enables creators and performers to be themselves and do wonderful things with their craft.
Big Scott is a textbook exhibit of perhaps the most vital rung in the original music ladder. The Starling Radicals
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