Gris Onofre

Booker, Manager, Média / Journaliste · Équateur
À propos de

Bio et comment ils soutiennent les artistes

Coming from a musical family, started in 2018 as a musical journalist specializing in the Ecuadorian Indie Scene and expanding into Latin American sounds, covering multiple national and international festivals getting to work for media outlets like RadioCOCOA, Rolling Stone, Remezcla and Beehype. Currently working mostly on indie music, alternative rock and electronic sounds with Astilla Agencia and La Mata Records as director and label manager, freelance booking and project management. With a focus on growing connections for the Ecuadorian market in the latin american scene. IMPORTANT: 1. I'd like to receive artists that already have multiple releases so I can investigate properly and take a quick peek at their numbers to see if any collabs or opportunities can arise with what I'm working with, in terms of artists, projects, events, music markets and festivals. 2. I work with a lot of genres! But as I stated I specialize in the alternative and indie side of music, especially: indie, rock, pop, electronic music, latin club, folk, r&b and "world music" (referred as artists that take inspiration or play national music from their countries). 3. I take high value on artists that show really round proposals, in terms of sound, innovation, image and communication. Please be very attentive to having your information professionally displayed and easy to access. ES: Periodista musical desde 2018, especializada en música ecuatoriana y su escena independiente, expandiéndose a sonidos latinoamericanos y coberturas nacionales e internacionales especialmente de festivales. Ha colaborado con medios como RadioCOCOA, Rolling Stone, Remezcla, Beehype y más. Actualmente es booker freelance, project manager, directora de Astilla Agencia y label manager de La Mata Records, especializándose en indie, rock alternativo y electrónica experimental.
Voir plus
Elle·il veut principalement recevoir...
  • Genres
    Alternative rock
    Dance pop
    Dream pop
    Indie Dance
    Indie pop
    Indie rock
    Latin music
    Post punk
  • Ambiances
    Good vibes
    Univers fort
  • Caractéristiques
    Disponible sur Spotify
    Expérience sur scène
    Artiste féminine
    Potentiel international
    Artiste queer
    Artiste indépendant
    Jeunes talents
Elle·il est ouvert à recevoir également...
  • Genres
    Afrobeat / Afropop
    Lofi bedroom
    Pop rock
    Psychedelic pop
    Trip hop
    Urban pop
Elle·il ne veut surtout pas recevoir...
  • Genres
    Classical music
    Commercial / Mainstream
    Death / Thrash
    Electro Jazz / Nu Jazz
    Jazz expérimental
    Jazz fusion
    Melodic metal
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Modern jazz
    Néo / Modern Classical
    Piano Solo
Pas sûr·e du genre de ton morceau ? Jette un œil à nos descriptifs des genres musicaux !

Ses services

Featuring opportunities with Ecuadorian artists preferably from La Mata Records. Feedback on Latin American scenes and genres and leads on different opportunities. Booking focused on Latin American territories, most preferably Ecuador, Colombia and México.
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Il/elle est à la recherche de…

  • Paroles en anglais, portugais et espagnol
  • Argentin·e·s, Bolivien·ne·s, Brésilien·ne·s, Chilien·ne·s, Colombien·ne·s, Dominicain·e·s, Équatorien·ne·s, Salvadorien·ne·s, Mexicain·e·s, Nicaraguayen·ne·s, Panaméen·ne·s, Paraguayen·ne·s, Péruvien·ne·s, Portoricain·e·s, Uruguayen·ne·s et Vénézuélien·ne·s
  • Morceaux pas encore sortis et morceaux déjà sortis

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15% taux d'opportunité 12 derniers mois
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