Cynosure Magazine

Média / Journaliste · États Unis
À propos de

Bio et comment ils soutiennent les artistes

To protect, reinvigorate, and fortify physicality, tangibility, and community for artists of the post-pandemic world; Both celebrated and left-of-center: Emerging / developing Outlier / Fringe Misrepresented Underappreciated Neo-Futurist Re-Emerging Not dissimilar to The Gutai Group of post-war Japan and the Chelsea Hotel (NYC) & Laurel Canyon (LA) artistic communities of the 60s & '70s, Cynosure aims to unite, platform, and collaborate with the most exciting forward thinkers of our current age through a recentering of the spectrum of old and new world technologies and modalities. Isolation, alienation, and Big Screen are dead.
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    Indie pop
  • Ambiances
    Univers fort
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