Christian MYDIA

Label · États Unis
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Bio et comment ils soutiennent les artistes

Diego Archer is a Salvadoran-born musician, composer, and producer best known as one-half of the Christian music duo Mariannah y Diego. In this collaboration, he handles programming, composition, guitars, and keyboards, crafting a distinctive sound that blends genres like disco, pop, tropical house, and gospel. The duo officially formed on February 14, 2020, to attract young people to the church through contemporary music. Their debut single, "Bello Eres," was released early that year. Since then, they have produced multiple albums and singles, earning recognition in the Christian music scene. In addition to his work with Mariannah y Diego, Archer co-founded Christian MYDIA, an organization that supports radio and music ministries within the Christian community across Ibero-America. The organization focuses on production, publishing, and providing advertising and promotional services for Christian artists, aiming to spread the gospel through innovative musical genres. Archer's contributions have been acknowledged with several awards, including the Premio El Galardón Internacional in 2022 and multiple Praise Music Awards. His dedication to creating music that glorifies God inspires and uplifts audiences worldwide.
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  • Genre
    Musique Chrétienne
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  • Genres
    Death / Thrash
    Melodic metal
    Metal / Heavy metal
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Ses services

Christian MYDIA is a music label and organization dedicated to supporting radio and music ministries within the Christian sphere. We specialize in production, publishing, and providing advertising and promotional services for Christian artists throughout Ibero-America. Our primary goal is to spread the gospel and share the good news of Jesus Christ and His plan of salvation with those who have not yet had the opportunity to know this hope. To achieve this, we take an innovative approach, using musical genres such as pop, house, funk, folk, and others that are not traditionally associated with contemporary Christian music. At Christian MYDIA, our artists are driven by a higher purpose: they do not seek fame but rather strive to glorify God above all else.

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  • Paroles en anglais et espagnol
  • Antiguayen·ne·s, Argentin·e·s, Bahamien·ne·s, Bélizien·ne·s, Bolivien·ne·s, Brésilien·ne·s, Canadien·ne·s, Caïmanien·ne·s, Chilien·ne·s, Colombien·ne·s, Costaricain·e·s, Cubain·e·s, Dominicain·e·s, Équatorien·ne·s, Salvadorien·ne·s, Malouin·e·s, Guatémaltèques, Guyanais·e·s, Haïtien·ne·s, Hondurien·ne·s, Jamaïcain·e·s, Mexicain·e·s, Nicaraguayen·ne·s, Panaméen·ne·s, Paraguayen·ne·s, Péruvien·ne·s, Portoricain·e·s, Surinamien·ne·s, Trinidadien·ne·s, Américain·e·s, Uruguayen·ne·s et Vénézuélien·ne·s
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