Starry Serenades - Cinematic Pop for the Night Sky (by Indiemusicflix)
Playlist Curator·India
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IndieMusicFlix is an innovative blog that transforms indie music into a cinematic experience. Our mission is to showcase the artistry of independent musicians by presenting their music as if it were a movie. In addition to our narrative-driven content, we curate cinematic playlists that further immerse our audience into the world of indie music. Right now we have our "Starry Serenades - Cinematic Pop for the Night Sky" where we look for songs Pop/Singer-songwriter tracks which evoke this imagery and has cinematic vibes to it.
Songs accepted will be added to the top 25 of our playlists for a minimum time of 1 month. We may also feature your music on our blog based the cinematic elements in the track!
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