Victor Benathar

Social Media Influencer · Brazil

Bio and how they support artists

🇧🇷 O projeto "Victor do Pc" começou lá em 2022 através da minha paixão por música, principalmente rap/hip-hop. Com mais de 60 mil seguidores no Tik Tok, estou nas redes sociais criando conteúdo sobre toda a cena. Já trabalhei com artistas nacionais como OGermano e Aklipe44, mas também já fiz dois trabalhos no Tik Tok para a Intercospe Records, com as faixas "B* Don't Kill My Vibe" e "Alright" de Kendrick Lamar. Do boombap ao trap, gosto de ouvir de tudo e amo descobrir novas músicas. 🇺🇸 The "Victor do Pc" project started back in 2022, fueled by my passion for music, especially rap/hip-hop. With over 60k followers on TikTok, I’m on social media creating content about the whole scene. I’ve worked with brazilians artists like OGermano and Aklipe44, but I’ve also done two TikTok projects for Intercospe Records, featuring the tracks "B* Don’t Kill My Vibe" and "Alright" by Kendrick Lamar. From boombap to trap, I enjoy listening to everything and love discovering new music.
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They want to receive...
  • Genres
    Chill / Lo-fi Hip-Hop
    Cloud Rap / Hip Hop
    Instrumental hip-hop
    International rap
    Rap in English
    French rap
They don't want to receive...
  • Genre
    Classical music
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Costumo divulgar semanalmente nas redes sociais artistas/músicas que estou ouvindo. Eu não hesito em mostrar para meus seguidores o que estou escutando, se eu genuinamente gosto, eu faço questão de mostrar para todos! I usually post the artists/songs I'm listening to on social media every week. I don't hesitate to show my followers what I'm listening to, if I genuinely like it, I make a point of showing it to everyone!
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  • Lyrics in any language
  • Artists from any country/region
  • Unreleased tracks and released tracks

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