Sexy songs playlist (Rock, Pop, RnB, Alternative, Sad, Mellow and Sensual sounds)
Playlist Curator·United States
Playlist curator: the sexiest deftones playlist ever made. Playlist for feeling hot while cleaning my room 😈 (or get railed) sexy deftones songs + other sexy songs. Can be any fitting songs in rock, pop, rnb and moody or grunge songs.
Very impactfulThey are known for having a strong visibility impact on the artists they share or meet
Certified Spotify playlistThe Groover team has verified the editorial quality and impact of this playlist
High answer rateThey are very active currently, giving feedback to more than 90% of received tracks
(Very) selectiveThey share fewer than 4% of received tracks
Top curator/proPart of the "Top curator/pro" program. You can contact them for 4+ Grooviz More info
Activity on Groover
519 answers givenSince signing up
answer rateLast 30 days
opportunity rate Last 12 months
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