Renan Funderground

Journalist · Brazil


Há alguns anos escrevo sobre bandas do underground e seus lançamentos para o site da Funderground. Sou também artista, tocando na banda Cigana Nochy, e organizador de shows no interior de São Paulo. Durante os anos de 2018 até 2021 participei do programa Antroporock, pela Mutante Radio. Formado em Ciências Sociais, busco aliar conhecimentos da Sociologia, Antropologia e História para escrever meus textos. Estou realizando pesquisa sobre o Punk Rock censurado no Brasil e escrevi o livro Existências Rebeldes, um romance que une a literatura e o Rock em suas diversas vertentes. I've been writing about underground bands and their releases for the Funderground website for a few years now. I am also an artist, playing in the band Cigana Nochy, and organizer of concerts in the interior of São Paulo. During the years 2018 to 2021 I participated in the Antroporock program, on Rádio Mutante. Graduated in Social Sciences, I seek to combine knowledge of Sociology, Anthropology and History to write my texts. I'm doing research on censored Punk Rock in Brazil and I wrote the book Existences Rebeldes, a novel that unites literature and Rock in its various aspects.
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They want to receive...
  • Genres
    Alternative rock
    Garage rock
    Post punk
    Punk Rock
    Rock & Roll / Classic Rock
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    Brazilian music
    Hard rock
    Indie folk
    International rap
    New wave
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    Classical music
    House music
    Neo / Modern Classical
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Busco trazer novos olhares sobre as músicas enviadas, conexões históricas e sociais. Tenho realizado eventos e tocado com grandes nomes do underground e divulgado os sons, inclusive indicando para tocar nos programas da Mutante Radio que tenho contato. I seek to bring new perspectives on the songs sent, historical and social connections. I have held events and played with big names from the underground and publicized the sounds, even recommending them to play on Mutante Radio programs that I have contact with.
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  • Lyrics in English, Portuguese and Spanish
  • Artists from any country/region
  • Unreleased tracks and released tracks

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