Bio and how they support artists
Today, the Graffiti association is made up of over 50 volunteers who use radio as a means of expression through a wide range of programs. These programs cover a wide range of topics, from information to culture, local events, music and politics. Three employees are responsible for the radio's operations, administration, programming, training and development, as well as on-air animation.
With 30 years on the air, Graffiti Urban Radio is now recognized as a key and emerging player on the Yonnais scene, covering a 30-kilometre broadcasting zone representing a catchment area of around 120,000 inhabitants.
It has developed its activities around three core values: human, cultural and popular education:
- Promote access to radio for volunteers. Give them the opportunity to express themselves via a free, independent medium. Give volunteers the opportunity to exchange and share knowledge,
- Carry out concrete cultural actions through educational activities (radio workshops for young people, school visits) and through its programming focused on musical discovery, - Promote local development by playing a key role in the Yonnais landscape as an information hub for associations. But also through the organization of popular cultural events and our presence at numerous events.
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