Full Level Rock Magazine

Media Outlet/Journalist · Spain

Bio and how they support artists

Full Level Rock Magazine nace en la ciudad de Almería (España). Formado por especialistas en reseñas musicales y expertos en comunicación para promocionar a artistas emergentes tanto españoles como internacionales. Hemos colaborado con cientos de medios de comunicación: Radio, redes sociales, revistas,... en la promoción de decenas de bandas. Nos incorporamos a "Groover" con la ilusión de ver como tu proyecto llega a miles de personas de España y el resto del mundo. Full Level Rock Magazine was born in the city of Almería (Spain). Formed by specialists in music reviews and communication experts to promote both Spanish and international emerging artists. We have collaborated with hundreds of media: Radio, social networks, magazines,... in the promotion of dozens of bands. We joined "Groover" with the hope of seeing how your project reaches thousands of people in Spain and the rest of the world.
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Genres accepted most often

Alternative rock
Indie rock
Rock & Roll / Classic Rock
Hard rock
Pop rock
They want to receive...
  • Genres
    Alternative rock
    Country music
    Hard rock
    Indie rock
    Pop rock
    Punk Rock
    Rock & Roll / Classic Rock
    Singer songwriter
They are also open to receiving...
  • Genres
    Electronic rock
    Indie folk
    International pop
    Melodic metal
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Post punk
    Post rock
    Surf rock
They don't want to receive...
  • Genres
    Classical music
    Deep house
    Hard Dance / Hardcore / Hardstyle
    House music
    International rap
    Neo / Modern Classical
    Rap in English
Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet!


Si eliges a Full Level Rock Magazine, tu música será promocionada de la siguiente manera: - Escucha por nuestro experto musical que redactará una reseña detallada de tus canciones - Publicación en Instagram y Facebook de reseña, fotos promocionales en "Post" y "Stories". - Formarás parte de la Playlist de Spotify "Full Level Radio" If you choose Full Level Rock Magazine, your music will be promoted as follows: - Hear from our music expert who will write a detailed review of your songs - Publication on Instagram and Facebook of review, promotional photos in "Post" and "Stories". - You will be part of the Spotify Playlist "Full Level Radio"
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They’re looking for...

  • Lyrics in English and Spanish
  • Artists from any country/region
  • Unreleased tracks and released tracks

Verified by Groover

Good to know
High answer rate They are very active currently, giving feedback to more than 90% of received tracks
High sharing rate They give opportunities to more than 15% of the tracks they receive

Activity on Groover
880 answers given Since signing up
100% answer rate Last 30 days
60% opportunity rate Last 12 months
Sending a track to this curator pro costs