Bio I'm a music programmer at Le Mazette (Paris live venue & club, ex-Concrete) in charge of developing the live side. Always looking for fresh discoveries and new emerging bands for our shows (every Wednesday and Thursday) · They want to receive... Genres Arabic music Electro Jazz / Nu Jazz Experimental jazz Jazz fusion Hip-hop Indie pop Modern jazz New wave R&B Soul They are also open to receiving... Genres African music Afrobeat / Afropop Coldwave Dub Funk Grime Pop rock Post punk Rap in English Synthpop They don't want to receive... Genres Death / Thrash Electro swing Experimental rock Hardcore Melodic metal Metal / Heavy metal Noise Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet! They want to receive music similar to… Marina Herlop Boy Harsher Kamaal Williams Nu Genea Altin Gün Nia Archives Baraka aupinard Agar Agar Services If real crush, offer a spot on a live show at Le Mazette Organize an event They’re looking for... Lyrics in any language Artists from any country/region Unreleased tracks and released tracks This curator/pro is part of... Top music bookers from France Top bookers for pop Top hip-hop/rap curators/pros from France Top bookers for r&b Top bookers for hip-hop Top bookers for indie pop Verified by Groover Learn more Good to know Organizes events They organize gigs High sharing rate They give opportunities to more than 15% of the tracks they receive Very impactful They are known for having a strong visibility impact on the artists they share or meet Top curator/pro Part of the "Top curator/pro" program. You can contact them for 4+ Grooviz More info Activity on Groover 6 answers given Since signing up 10% answer rate Last 30 days