Ticket to Jam

Kanal · Frankreich


A moving and traveling mobile recording studio set up on a bus. A nomadic music source that makes live music video footage of their travels throughout Europe and offers constant discoveries and unique moments of sharing The idea is simple: Using the nomadic side of the bus, Ticket to Jam will meet bands, in concerts or festivals to offer live video recording sessions. The creation of a YouTube channel and tracking on social networks will allow to broadcast these music discoveries over the kilometers traveled. Both original and new in Europe, the mobile recording studio is an excellent relay for artists. The bus will go directly to meet them and will offer visibility on the internet. A free distribution source that promotes artists of all kinds and allows the public to discover new and talented artists. We hope to support artists of all styles to showcase their talent on the web. Equiped with professional gear, Ticket to Jam will also offer a recording service for albums, EP’s and musical models open to both amateurs and professionals. And finally, a scene perched on the roof of the studio for open air concerts! Ticket to Jam is a movement created to inspire and connect the world through music, born of a common belief that music has the power to break down barriers and erase the distance between people. So grab your ticket and get on board an incredible human experience that has no boundaries and only one common language: music!!
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Du willst erhalten...
  • Genres
  • Stimmungen
  • Attribute
    Fertiger Track
Du bist auch offen für...
  • Genres
    Dance pop
    Progressiver Pop
    Psychedelic Pop
Du willst nicht erhalten...
  • Genres
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Rap auf Englisch
Du bist dir nicht sicher, welche Musikrichtung(en) zu deinem Musikstil passen? Schau dir unser Cheatsheet für Genres an!


We offer a free visibility through a live session in our nomad music source, our recording studio set in a bus. No fees, just a bit of your time We also offer possibility of recording albums, and we adapt our prices depending on bands and budget
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  • Songtexte auf jeder Sprache
  • Künstler aus allen Ländern/Regionen
  • Unveröffentlichte Tracks und veröffentlichte Tracks

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26 gegebene Antworten Seit der Anmeldung
0% Antwortquote Letzten 30 Tage
16% Opportunitätsrate Letzten 12 Monate
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