Women of Substance Radio Podcast (Female artists or female-fronted bands)
Radiosender·Vereinigte Staaten
Award-winning Podcast featuring music by the best female artists and female-fronted bands in all genres. Some artists will be chosen for a highlight in our Profitable Musician newsletter. Only female artists or female-fronted bands please. Through November 10, Holiday music only please.
No more Holiday music please. Our deadline for Holiday playlists was Nov 10.
Our podcast provides exposure to new audiences who listen because they want to discover new music. We shine the spotlight on women in music. We also choose some of our favorites to be highlighted in our newsletter as song picks of the week.
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Diesen Künstlern hast du kürzlich eine Gelegenheit gegeben
Hohe TeilungsrateSie geben mehr als 15 % der eingegangenen Tracks eine Chance
Aktivität auf Groover
242 gegebene AntwortenSeit der Anmeldung
AntwortquoteLetzten 30 Tage
Opportunitätsrate Letzten 12 Monate
Diese Kuratoren/Profis könnten Ihnen auch gefallen...Weil du das Profil von Women of Substance Radio Podcast (Female artists or female-fronted bands) besuchst.