
Playlist-Kurator · Vereinigte Staaten


I am a musician and I have several playlists. 1) Songs for adventure seekers - All genres but the song must be about traveling or adventures. 2) EDM + emotional lyrics - All electronic genres but must be with emotional lyrics. 3) calm songs that touch your soul - Chill emotional songs. I love acoustic songs and really calm productions. (All songs must contain lyrics in English) - sometimes I add classical instrumentals to my calm playlist
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Am häufigsten akzeptierte Genres

Dream Pop
Alternativer Rock
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  • Genres
    Alternativer Rock
    Klassische Musik
    Dance pop
    Dream Pop
  • Attribute
    Alle Stützen
    Verfügbar auf Spotify
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I will add their songs to my playlists (in case I love them) and they will get organic streams and listeners (I run FB Ads). I will add at 10-20 positions and if the song is extremely good, even better placement. It will be added to my playlist for at least 2 weeks, but could be more.
Zu einer Playlist hinzufügen
In sozialen Netzwerken teilen

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  • Songtext in Englisch
  • Künstler aus allen Ländern/Regionen
  • Nur freigegebene Tracks

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