Plein Phare

Booker, Label · Frankreich


Plein Phare is a collective of electronic music artists and DJs who have been working in the Toulouse area for over 10 years. It's also a label with a promising future. With a large number of events to their credit, they promote electronic music, and more specifically the techno genre. In recent years, the collective has established itself as a key player in the pink city. The collective has made a name for itself by offering a rich program of events. Since its creation, Plein Phare has been inviting national and international artists to the city's emblematic venues, as well as to its own festival.
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  • Genres
    Angerfist, Headhunterz, Wildstylez
    Harter Techno
    Progressiver / Melodischer House & Techno
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  • Genres
    Chill out
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Booking at our events (50-60 events per year + 2 festivals) Collaboration with Plein Phare's artists Release your tracks on our label
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Überprüft von Groover

Aktivität auf Groover
11 gegebene Antworten Seit der Anmeldung
85% Antwortquote Letzten 30 Tage
Das Senden eines Tracks an diesen Kurator pro kostet