No Fridge / Solar Mix

Label · Frankreich


☀️ Style : Tribal Techno / Future Méditerranée / Worldtronica / Tropical Bass / Remixes.. ☀️ Solar Mix : 100 % Solar-powered Dj set, installed and recorded by Dj Click in unusual places in communion with the elements. The music is dedicated to a forest, a mountain, a volcano, old stones. In the same direction as the "land art" movement, the Solar Mix uses nature as an audience and offers a contemporary vision and a real experience linked to the virtual world, mixing architecture, nature, music and photography. ☀️ No Fridge label The No Fridge label, founded in 2000 in Paris, mixes jazz, world music and electronic influences. The editorial line created by producer Dj Click is intended to be open to the world in all its diversity with artists from all over the world, without distinction of cultural and religious origin. Muslims and Jews come together in a message of openness, tolerance and peace. In addition to the facet of cultural and musical mixing, the label produces the UHT ° group engaged in the theme of ecology, nature and the preservation of the planet. The label puts women in the spotlight with different singers on almost every project that expresses their vision of femininity, the relationship between men and women and the way forward for gender equality. Here are some artists from No Fridge: Dj Click (Worldtronica), the Click Here group (Gypsy cultures), the extrovert Rona Hartner (Gypsy cultures), Gnawa Njoum from Essaouira and Hamadcha from Fès (spiritual practices Morocco), Colelo Identidad Mapuche (defense of the rights of indigenous peoples of Chile), UHT ° (environmental commitment on electro jazz background), Masha Natanson (Poland), Agota Zdanavičiūtė (Lithuania), Ittai Binnum (Israel). The label is distributed by The Orchard and has a recording studio (forest CuBe) where Dj Click has already produced about thirty albums for No Fridge and made many remixes such as those of Manu Chao, Watcha Clan, Warsaw Village. Band, Nicolette, Mahala Raï Banda, Dhoad Gypsies of Rajasthan, Va Fan fahre Burhan Öçal, La Caravane Passe, High Tone, Boogie Balagan or Rachid Taha..
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  • Genres
    Asiatische Musik
    Beats / Lo-fi
    Deep House
    Elektro-Jazz / Nu Jazz
    New wave
    Orientalische Musik
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  • Attribute
    Elektronische Klänge
    Professionelle Produktion
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  • Genres
    Dance pop
    Rap auf Englisch
    Chanson Française/Variété
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