New Sound Society

Playlist-Kurator · Ecuador


New Sound Society Biography New Sound Society is a label dedicated to music distribution, powered by our popular playlists on Spotify, and other platforms. Our mission is to help independent artists be discovered by new listeners every day. Our Featured Playlists: - Boleros para Mafiosos: A selection of boleros, rancheras, and regional music, perfect for those who want to immerse themselves in authentic and nostalgic sounds. - Canciones Bonitas para Dedicar: A playlist dedicated to romantic music in Spanish and English, focused on romantic lyrics and songs that listeners can dedicate to their loved ones. These playlists are the driving force behind our work, helping the artists who send us their music to reach a wider audience and connect with new fans. At New Sound Society, we are committed to providing a platform for emerging talent to shine and find their path to success.
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Am häufigsten akzeptierte Genres

lateinamerikanische Musik
Latin Pop
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  • Genres
    Dream Pop
    lateinamerikanische Musik
  • Stimmung
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  • Genres
    Bossa nova
    Latin Pop
    Moderner Jazz
    Urban Pop
  • Stimmungen
    Gute Vibes
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  • Genres
    Alternativer Rock
  • Attribut
    Geringe Wiedergabetreue
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We are a Latin America-based music society passionate about supporting emerging artists. If you enjoy our playlists, we invite you to visit our website to learn more about what we do. We now offer music distribution through Symphonic, ensuring better data analytics and fostering stronger communication with our artists. We're actively seeking up-and-coming talent in Spanish pop and electronic music across all languages. If this sounds like a fit, check out our site and reach out—we’d love to hear from you!
Zu einer Playlist hinzufügen

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  • Songtext in Englisch und Spanisch
  • Künstler aus allen Ländern/Regionen
  • Unveröffentlichte Tracks und veröffentlichte Tracks

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