Mayra Maldjian

Sound Experte · Brasilien


A deejay, beatmaker, music curator and journalist, Mayra Maldjian has built a respectable reputation for showcasing emerging sounds from across the globe. Firmly rooted in São Paulo's underground, she has a 14-year experience in documenting urban music (hip-hop, r&b and others) as a journalist as well as taking an important role in the scene as a deejay and female artists supporter. From 2007 to 2014, she went through the newsrooms of Guia da Semana, Folha de S.Paulo (Guia da Folha, Folhateen, Ilustrada) and Veja São Paulo as a music & arts reporter. Later on, as a freelancer, she engaged in creating music, culture and diversity content for brands such as Avon, Google and Apple in different media, such as audiovisual, interactive websites and streaming platforms. At the same time, Mayra Maldjian hit the stages with the seven-girl group Rimas & Melodias – the group released its debut album in 2017, making a big noise around the country. Mayra is also part of other collectives as a DJ, such as Applebum, As Mina Risca and Uh! Manas TV. Recently, she released the documentary "Yzalú - Rap, Feminismo e Negritude" and worked as a music curator at Red Bull Music's project called Pulso and as a beatmaker/music producer at Spotify's Escuta as Minas project.
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  • Genres
    Chill / Lo-fi Hip-Hop
    Experimentelle Elektronik
    Rap auf Englisch
    Urban Pop
  • Stimmungen
  • Attribut
    Unsignierter Künstler
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