Made in the Shade

Media Outlet/Journalist · Australien


MADE IN THE SHADE with Pete 'AMIGO' Williams on Sunbury radio 99.3 FM. MADE IN THE SHADE is what i like to call a 'lifestyle' music based show. It's an eclectic mix of BLUES, JAZZ, OLD SCHOOL (60'S & 70'S), ALTERNATIVE, SURF MOVIE SOUNDTRACK MUSIC, FOLK ROCK, SWING & ROCKABILLY, well i think you all get the drift.
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  • Genres
    Experimenteller Jazz
    Moderner Jazz
    Psychedelic Rock
    Rock & Roll / Klassischer Rock
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  • Genres
    Rap auf Englisch
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Made in the Shade has become a small cog in the international Blues and roots Community, we contribute to homegrown and international charts and play mostly new music, and quite often before the official release date. we've played demos and masters of tracks that haven't even been pressed. Record labels, publicists, Agents and Artists from Europe (Including Russia), Scandinavia, north and South America, New Zealand and Australia, have all contributed to the content of Made in the Shade, so we have international appeal and exposure By playing an artists music on my show we hope to lift their profiles and give exposure (but we make no guarantees of that) we'll also direct listeners to where the artists music can be purchased I can also write the occasional review, If I love what I'm hearing. Occasionally we'll even mentor an artist that may need a little guidance. ..
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Aktivität auf Groover
13 gegebene Antworten Seit der Anmeldung
87% Antwortquote Letzten 30 Tage
24% Opportunitätsrate Letzten 12 Monate
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