Dedstrange Records/New Colossus Festival/Kepler Events

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Steven Matrick is owner of artist management company Kepler Events, Co-Founder of the New Colossus Festival and currently talent buyer at Lola in the East Village. Kepler Events has managed Brooklyn Noise Rock legends A Place to Bury Strangers for the past 12 years as well as upcoming UK indie folk artist Luke De-Sciscio and Montreal psych rock collective Paul Jacobs.   Former Clients include Pom Pom Squad, Total Slacker, Hooray for Earth, Shilpa Ray, the Death Set, the Hood Internet, RX, & more. Steven is one of the founders of the New Colossus Festival, a 3 day music festival featuring 120 bands the week before SXSW at 6 independent music venues on the Lower East Side that just completed its 2nd annual event in March. Steven has also recently founded Dedstrange Records in partnership with Oliver Ackermann of A Place To Bury Strangers and Berlin DJ Mitch O’ Sullivan.
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    Experimentelle Elektronik
    Experimenteller Rock
    Lofi bedroom
    Psychedelic Rock
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I have a yearly showcase Festival, a new record label, I book a venue in Manhattan, and I'm in Artist Management.
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