Cansei do Mainstream

Media Outlet, Playlist-Kurator · Brasilien


🇧🇷 Movida por paixões musicais e uma pequena obsessão por pesquisas, Joyce Guillarducci criou em 2015 o blog Cansei do Mainstream para compartilhar suas descobertas com quem também sente um mix de saudosismo com sede pelo novo. O foco do blog desde então tem sido a música independente brasileira em vertentes diversas, mais frequentemente as que tendem para os lados da neo-psicodelia e tudo que ainda reverbera a explosão de cores dos anos 60/70. Neste âmbito a pesquisa do Cansei vem concebendo anualmente as playlists Feliz Ano Psicodélico que já ganharam destaque e textão na página do Spotify, além de consquistar uma noite dedicada à lisergia & fritação brasileira na Semana Internacional de Música de São Paulo em 2019. *** 🇬🇧 Driven by musical passions and a small obsession with research, Joyce Guillarducci created in 2015 the Cansei do Mainstream blog to share her discoveries with those who also feel a mix of nostalgia and thirstt for the new. Since then, the blog's focus has been the independent Brazilian music scene in its diverse strands, most often those that tend to the neo-psychedelic sides and everything that still reverberates the 60's/70's explosion of colors. In this context, Cansei's research has been conceiving the Feliz Ano Psicodélico (Happy Psychedelic Year) playlists that have already gained prominence on the Spotify page, in addition to winning an evening dedicated to Brazilian lysergy & frying at the São Paulo International Music Week in 2019.
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Am häufigsten akzeptierte Genres

Dream Pop
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  • Genres
    Alternativer Rock
    Dream Pop
    Lofi bedroom
    Psychedelic Pop
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  • Attribute
    Verfügbar auf Spotify
    Frühes Projekt
    Bevorstehendes Projekt
    Junge Talente
Du bist auch offen für...
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    Chill out
    Experimentelle Elektronik
    lateinamerikanische Musik
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  • Genre
    Death / Thrash
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posts no blog e redes sociais, playlists e convidar para figurar os line-ups das animadas & comentadas festas do Cansei 🎉 *** blog and social networks posts, playlists and invite to feature the line-ups of the remarkable Cansei parties 🎉
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50% Opportunitätsrate Letzten 12 Monate
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